You check the monthly and quarterly reports of your team. You discover that its performance is not optimal. You analyze the environment and see that your industry’s conditions are changing. New challenges are ahead and your team should adapt.

Despite this alarming situation, you know that your workforce has all the potential to face these challenges. However, to achieve it, everyone needs to obtain and master the know-how. So, you can’t postpone it anymore: the time has come to give your team professional training.

Yes, an LMS

Much has been spoken about Learning Management Systems (LMS), platforms on the cloud with which companies can manage online training programs. You probably have heard about them as well but haven’t established the connection between an online training system and the needs of your organization.

An LMS allows you to have your own online school, a high-tech solution that stands out for its simplicity and rentability (see myth #4), and that also adapts to the conditions and needs of your organizations.

It has the tools that allow you to store and reuse limitless instructional content in diverse multimedia formats (videos, audios, documents). In addition, your own LMS enables you to deliver simultaneously this content to people located in different parts of the world.  

After having analyzed the need of companies to deliver continuous training to their workforce, on Teachlr, we have developed our own solution, Teachlr Organizations. It doesn’t matter if you are a bank manager or a sales director; with us you will be able to train your employees or allies, and exactly know the evolution of their performance.

Boosting your team had never been that simple.

Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of online education applied to organizations?

How can different industries use an LMS?

Health sector

In pharmaceuticals, health centers, and clinical labs, it is primordial that employees keep themselves updated regarding the changing norms, policies and international and national laws that regulate the industry. Everyone within the organization must know and follow these norms, as this can make the difference between receiving a fine that can challenge the future of the company or not.

Also, many companies in the health sector have contemplated offering workshops and courses to patients, in order to spread important knowledge, position themselves as experts and acquire new markets.

An LMS can facilitate these activities: through an online platform, you’re able to provide the same training to thousands of people, no matter where they are (this is especially useful for transnational organizations). The professional development of your human talent is pivotal to maintaining their motivation and consequently, to guaranteeing a high general performance. Technologies, such as Teachlr Organizations, allow you to achieve it.

Sales team

A good salesman or saleswoman knows every single detail of the product they’re working on, in order to be well-prepared when it’s time to pitch a potential client. Moreover, a sales team with a high performance has practical knowledge about what the successful negotiation techniques that produce sales are. Likewise, it must be noticed that salespeople are not only located in different cities and regions but that their job also requires constant traveling.

An online platform allows your sales team, whether it’s regional or international, to timely learn about the features of new products, as well as the most recent negotiation techniques through online courses that replicate real life situations.

With Teachlr Organizations, you train and keep thousands of salespeople updated by providing standardized material no matter where they are. Moreover, you give them the possibility to learn at their own schedule, allowing them to reserve the time they need for their clients.  


Just like in the health sector, employees in banks must be aware and keep themselves updated with all the regulations and procedures, in order to avoid sanctions, guarantee the safety of clients and ultimately, contribute to building a healthy banking system.

It’s important that employees besides knowing exactly the sector regulations, also learn with great detail about the features of every new product and services that the bank launches to the market -especially the team directly in charge of sales.

On the other side, banks tend to be organizations with a significant number of branches at different levels, both nationally and internationally. This implies that the workforce will be numerous as well and that such employees will have various backgrounds and cultures. Despite this great diversity and spatial deconcentration, banks should be capable of generating a uniform organizational culture.

An aspect that isn’t exclusive to banks, but that also applies to the industries already mentioned, is the induction. In transnational companies with a high international presence and staff turnover, practical and effective methods to deliver the introductory training  to a great number of people are pivotal, as they ultimately guarantee a high performance and a long-term sojourn in the company.

An LMS such as Teachlr Organizations is a safe solution that allows you to deliver continuous and standardized training to people located in different regions, facilitating the process optimization and training periods. Successful organizations stand out because they count with prepared people.

Universities, institutes and educational centers

Higher education demands higher tools. Many educational organizations, despite having a defined market, are interested in expanding and reaching more students in different regions and countries. They want to build diverse communities and position themselves as international institutions. These aspirations respond also to the need to adopt new business models that allow organizations to acquire new income sources.

An LMS such as Teachlr Organizations enables these centers to pass their content to multimedia formats, store it in the cloud and provide it to international audiences. Likewise, it allows professors from many places to teach students who are geographically spread. Reach more people who need to acquire new professional skills without any time, resources and spatial restraints.

See an example, Unimet en Línea of the Universidad Metropolitana.           

The best resource you have to face the challenges of an accelerated and competitive environment is the human talent of your organization. Develop their potential and reach your business goals. Make sure that your workforce acquires the necessary know-how for your organization to become a solid company and leader in the industry.

Do you want to find out how your own training platform would look? Contact us at

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