You are about to start your own business, or have a friend who wants to take the leap. But naturally, there is a set of specific skills that you need to manage if you want to succeed, especially if you’re an entrepreneur and have a small team. Particularly, online presence is becoming a crucial aspect of success, and it involves a certain level of practical knowledge. You will need to face different types of obstacles at times, in areas where maybe you’re not an expert (yet!)

We know this may be a little intimidating, but luckily we also have good news: There are practical tools that can help you learn to manage effectively the many resources the Internet has to offer and  grow your business in less time. Thanks to the experience we’ve had at Teachlr, we identified the most important assets when it comes to building an online presence to your business, and even better, we have the right tools for you to learn them in no time.

In this list you will find four different sets of skills that will help you grow your business. We also give you direct access to free courses for you to learn online, from the comfort of your home:

Web Development 101: What’s the first thing you do when you want to know something? That’s right, Google it. And if it doesn’t show up, most people drop the search. That is why your business needs to have a great web page. And if you don’t have the funds yet to hire a professional web developer, this course will help you start designing your page on your own, and get professional looking results.

Adobe Lightroom 5: Now that you have your page, you need to produce attractive content. Images play a very important role in captivating your audience and you want yours to have good quality, and leave an impression. The good news is, you don’t necessarily have to be a professional photographer to create beautiful pictures. Editing tools like Lightroom can help you do that, and also have fun while you’re at it!

Build Mobile Apps: There’s an app for everything, right? Giving your customers easy access to your product or service through their cell phones can build loyalty among your users and create a relationship between them and your brand. And developing a mobile app is easier than it seems. There’s no downside on learning a bit of programming.

WordPress Training: Your business is going fine, but if there’s something that needs to be worked on constantly is your identity. You want to remind your customers why they like you, and give them something they can relate to. This is where creation of content comes in handy. A blog is a great tool for transmitting your ideas and opinions and also interacting with your audience to discover their concerns and interests. Try it with WordPress and create a professional page in a very short time.

So far, we’ve given you some key points for growing your business, and four great tools you can use anytime you want. We know they work, because we’ve seen many successful stories of online entrepreneurship. Let us know what works for you and what doesn’t, we’re here to support you.

Become an expert starting now!

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