One of our teachers at Teachlr, Pablo Millán, considers that the Internet is changing everything; we couldn’t agree more. The technological changes are modifying various aspects of human dynamics: the way we learn, our communication, and how we do business.

We need to keep up with new paradigms to seize all resources and maximize the potential of every relationship we establish.

If you have a company or are starting a new business, there is a great diversity of online tools you can use to elevate your competitiveness and increase your sales.

Digital marketing: new paradigms in business

Marketing entails activities and processes that are necessary to create, communicate, deliver and exchange goods and services. Following the intervention of the Internet in the economy and the increase of its use in business, traditional marketing has gone through important changes that every successful entrepreneur must know.

Digital technology has modified the way to attract new clients and retain them in time. For example, now tools allow business owners to directly reach segmented consumers. Offers are sent to the target public interested in acquiring your product or service, which increases the possibility to close deals in shorter periods.

The relationship between providers and consumers has acquired a different nature: now communication is not about sending indiscriminate messages to a non-defined audience, but rather, a bidirectional interaction between clients who dialogue and express their needs to the producer.

Interesting, right? Well, this is just one of the many elements that you should know to elaborate an effective strategy and take advantage of the benefits that digital marketing brings to your business.

Learn how digital marketing improves businesses

Luckily, we have a number of online courses that teach you how to create and incorporate digital marketing in your business plan:

How to Get Started with Social Media for Business: This great online course by CreatorUp (an awesome online film school) will show you how to use social media to grow your business by creating a social media strategy, growing and engaging your community, and deciding the best content to create. Understand how to use social media efficiently and effectively to promote your business will help you turn followers into customers who are inspired to share your products and services with their own networks.

Small Business Guide to Google Adwords:  UK’s most experienced Certified Google AdWords consultant, David Black, who has over 6 years of experience helping hundreds of businesses to build and manage more profitable PPC campaigns, gives you a complete step by step guide to researching, developing and optimizing winning AdWords campaigns. Learn how use AdWords to grow your business and train your staff to control your AdWords marketing in house.

Twitter Marketing for Small Businesses: This comprehensive course is a great way to get your business on top with Twitter. It will take you from the basics of choosing the starting options of your page to the pro techniques than only a select few use. This hands-on training program is your chance to get more business and numerous leads through another marketing channel.

Facebook Marketing for Small Businesses: This material will give you the knowledge to grow your community on Facebook, so you can use it as an effective tool to attract new customers. Learn how to understand this network as a marketing channel that offers useful services and allows you to develop precise strategies.

Our resources on Teachlr are tools to increase your number of clients and sales. Maximize the impact of your business by knowing the transformation of marketing and handling all the digital media channels available. Discover how digital marketing improves businesses. 

Looking forward to seeing you!

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