It’s done! It’s time to sell your online course. After a lot of effort, you can now see the URL on Teachlr that allows anyone to access your content.

What can you do so students from all over the world find your material? Truth is, it won’t happen automatically. During these times of hyperconnectivity, it’s mandatory to publish all the information about your course on your social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest). But while this is a necessary step, it is not enough.

On Teachlr we encourage our teachers to run the extra mile: Figure out and implement the most efficient ways to reach your audience in the world wide web.

Take a look at our promotion tips to sell your online course, so you can start seeing real movement in your Transactions History.

Word of mouth

In spite of all innovations, a traditional form of promotion has surpassed the test of time: The direct communication between people. When recommendations are made by people who know each other, the purchase probability increases. 

What does this mean? Tell your family, friends, colleagues and other people you know about your course! Encourage them to tell their family, friends, colleagues and other people they know about your course… and so on.

There are lots of methods to carry out the word of mouth —and many of them involve the use of technology. Tradition and innovation go hand by hand.

  • Send emails to all your contacts: Create lists and groups of contacts so you can send emails easily and faster. Applications such as Yesware allow you to create templates that can be sent as many times as you want. (Yesware is also allows you to track and assess the behavior your message generates). Another useful tool is Mailchimp. In addition to analyzing the reaction of recipients, Mailchimp lets you create email campaigns that include the automation and the customization of your templates with really cool designs. The great news is that you can use Mailchimp for free up to 2000 subscribers.
  • Text using Whatsapp: This mobile app has had tremendous success (700 million users by March 2015!). Virtually everyone who owns a smartphone, uses Whatsapp to communicate, so you better take advantage of it. Whatsapp lets you send chain messages. You probably are a member of a dozen groups with at least 5 people each. It is an effective channel to communicate in real time throughout  the world without any additional cost.

The word of mouth can also be carried out between people, who in spite of not knowing each other personally, exchange information of interest:

  • Go to communities and online groups: Platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ are excellent resources. Check out the great number of groups on Facebook that gather people of your field. Search and join groups on LinkedIn and tell other members about your course. The same applies to Google+, where there are communities that bring together hundred and thousands of people with the same interests. In addition to promoting your course, these groups allow you to discuss and learn from other experts.
  • Tweet: Live conversations are often carried out on Twitter. Use hashtags related to your field. These will allow you to identify influencers and find people who have questions you can answer. A cool tool to discover popular hashtags is Tagboard. We also recommend using the advanced search options of Hootsuite.
  • Write a guest post: Meet and contact influencers of your field. Once you have established a relationship, ask if you can write a guest post on their blog, which will expose you to their broad audience.
  • Attend conferences: Although the electronic word of mouth is quite effective and practic, you should not abandon the presencial form. Attend every event that discusses your topic in your city. It is an excellent opportunity to find and communicate your message to other colleagues.

Introduce yourself

You should also build a great web presence to sell your online course. Start your own blog! (We happen to have a great course on how to create your blog on WordPress). This allows you to discuss about the topics you master, show your experience and share your knowledge with people who need it.

A YouTube channel is likewise an excellent option to spread the word about your work (you’re in luck; we also have a course that teaches you to get your first 10,000 views on YouTube). The free videos you offer on your channel can work as a sample for your potential students.

Tools on Teachlr

At Teachlr we have developed great tools you can use to promote and sell your online course:

  • Discount coupons: When you’re uploading your course, you will see in the PRICES AND COUPONS section, the option to create discount coupons. This strategy allows you to test different price ranges.
  • Free webinar on your Public Channel: Every instructor that registers on Teachlr has his/her own Public Channel that enables live broadcasting. Connect in real time with other users and get new students. To activate the public channel, go to your profile and click on BROADCAST LIVE (upper right corner).
  • Promotional programs: We have created two promotional programs designed to sell your online course:
    • Affiliate Program: It increases the visibility of teachers on the web, as the program allows multiple affiliates to promote courses in thousands of websites through coupons. In exchange, they get for a commission for every sale they make. To learn more, click here.
    • Teachlr Marketing Plan: Very soon we will be having this new plan available, which entails offering courses with discount coupons so promotions can be carried out through email marketing campaigns and other channels. We seek to test different price ranges to discover the optimal number that propels sales. We will be posting more information soon.

So, these were our tips! Now, let’s get going. Go ahead and sell your online course :).

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