Training your employees is no longer an option. It is a must for your organization to remain competitive in an ever-changing global environment. Even though most companies recognize this as a fact, when they are faced with the process of creating a quality training program, there is uncertainty and the fear of not knowing where to begin.

One of the most important steps in the process is choosing instructors that can convey their knowledge effectively. This aspect may seem daunting. But do not despair, you already have the largest source of knowledge at your disposal: your employees!

Your employees have unique skills and knowledge that have been shaped by their experiences. The aggregate of this knowledge, viewed in terms of the value to your organization, constitutes your human capital. Your human capital adds to your unique value proposition and distinguishes you from your competitors.   

Today, we give you a list of 5 reasons for starting your corporate training program with your top employees as experts:

1.- Knowledge retention

Harvard Business Review published a study indicating that Fortune 500 companies lose an aggregate USD$31.5 billion each year, due to a lack of knowledge transfer. Implementing a training program where you tap into the potential of your employees’ knowledge will help you avoid facing this situation.

When you safeguard the knowledge of your employees and document internal processes and best practices, you optimize the transfer of information, ensuring there is continuity in operations when an employee departs or transitions into a new role.

2.- Optimize the application of theory into practice

According to the study mentioned above, collaborative, interactive learning at work is more effective for people. When individuals learn directly from their colleagues or bosses, they feel more committed to applying the acquired knowledge to their roles. Additionally, there is an exchange of ideas that allows the employee to understand better each concept and adapt it to his role.

3.- Automatic creation of a learning support network

The day is getting started and one of your employees is ready for a productive day at work. Suddenly, he realizes there is a process he does not know how to do. Who does he contact?  When your employees are in charge of teaching, it is easier for everyone in the organization to easily identify the subject-matter experts.

Additionally, the top performers in the company can step up as mentors. As employees complete the courses, each expert can designate new mentors, based on results. This leads to the establishment of a dynamic learning community. In this environment, individuals are incentivized to acquire new skills so they can contribute in a meaningful way to the talent development process and become recognized as experts among their peers (Forrester Research).

4.- Strengthening of your organizational culture

Your training program will lead to increased interaction, bonding and collaboration among employees across your entire organization (Learning Models for Innovation in Organizations: Examining Roles of Knowledge Transfer and Human Resources Management). This experience will lead your team to become more cohesive and your employees being more satisfied at work, leading to lower turnover (Knowledge Management Excellence: The Art of Excelling in Knowledge Management).

5.- Boost in productivity and innovation at your company

As ideas flow in your company, your employees will come up with creative approaches to problem solving and ways to improve standard procedures. This exchange will also generate new ideas, contributing to the creation of a strong culture of innovation.

When employees feel their ideas are valuable and taken into account, they feel happier at work. Happiness makes employees 12% more productive at the office, according to research from the University of Warwick.

What are your thoughts on the subject? Are you ready to unleash your employees’ super powers and tap into their knowledge to create an A+ corporate training program?

Next, we will give you strategies to conduct a knowledge assessment and discover your employees’ skills.

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