Having the chance of acquiring products without having to interact with absolutely anybody, being at the comfort of your home and by just clicking in whatever product you wish to buy is a relatively new option. The reviews were born twenty-nine years ago when we started seeing the first completely electronic businesses, where you can do the whole shopping process from your computer or from your mobile device.

To purchase something online the consumers take the reviews left by other buyers as a very important deciding factor. Whether they’re negative or positive, reviews help the customers make a decision. 

There are plenty of benefits to having a good number of reviews, not only can you get a greater number of purchases for good comments you can also discover improvement options after negative comments.

Even though these comments are seen as negative, they force your customer support team to improve their service, as they will see they have to resolve these annoyances to be able to hook these unsatisfied clients, although according to PeopleClaim 90% of these clients claim they would not have any business with companies they’re unhappy with and the other 10% claims that if they are able to solve the issue they had with the product they’re inclined to buy from the same seller again. 

In fact, the subject of reviews is so important on e-commerce that the 70% of consumers affirm they check the reviews left by other buyers before they make a decision. On the other hand, according to Invespcro, consumers are willing to pay 31% more if the product has good ratings since it assures them they’re spending their money in a quality product. 

A good review can bring to a product obvious advantages that the SEO can also benefit from, therefore, your page will be better positioned in the search engines.

All these benefits are not only reflected on material items, when it comes to e-learning it can also be a decisive factor when acquiring a course. If we are going to undertake an online course, for example, it’s important we are certain it will have quality content and what better way to know this than through reviews left by past students? 

Any online business must try encouraging their customers to leave reviews, without imposing a tone to them and letting them be as natural and honest as possible so they can actually guide the next buyer. 

We are extremely aware of the importance of reviews, that’s why, if you have taken a course on our platform Teachlr.com, we invite you to leave a review there. And if you have a Teachlr Organizations school then here’s a list of pages where you can leave a review and guide next buyers: 

We hope to see your review there!

-Camila Alvarez

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