Dorothy is a Venezuelan Yoga instructor and one of the professors at Teachlr. We talked about her calling, the meaning of teaching and the experience of sharing her knowledge online.

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Dorothy never had a special interest in Yoga, but after learning that there were classes on her gym, she decided to try something different. There was no turning back and her life shifted.

“One day my Yoga professor told me that he had to leave for two months and suggested that I should substitute him during this time. Once he departed, I started teaching Yoga. I never thought I’d get to do something like this. It was exciting and overwhelming to share such a deep and ancestral knowledge with others”.

Dorothy then chose to teach Yoga full time. Even though it was a pivotal decision, taking it was no brainer: “It came from my heart and it didn’t feel like work to me… It was hard convincing my parents, but eventually they understood and supported me. Ultimately, pleasing everyone is utopia”.

Teaching became her calling; a task that not only supported her economically, but that also gratified her on a deeper emotional level.

Encouraged by her mentor and partner, Juan Pablo Valdivieso, she agreed to share her knowledge online as well.

“The title “Dancing with the Heart” came from this idea of practicing from the seed of the heart: Being open to the unknown, feeling the body and mind, growing through dance. My work entailed incorporating little aspects of Pilates as preparatory movements for the Asanas”.

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Dorothy pinpoints the use of offering an online course. For those who practice Yoga regularly, it is a tool that allows them to do it anytime, anywhere. It is also a guide for those who want to observe the dynamic and the techniques that take place in a class.”

If a professional has the interest and talent to teach, trusts him or herself, offers solutions and gives truthful information about his or her topic, then Dorothy believes that this person could publish an online course to share valuable knowledge. “It is an exceptional resource if used responsibly”.

Any final thoughts? “You don’t become a teacher overnight. You have to practice over and over again with perseverance. Most importantly, you have to teach with humility, with the only goal of giving your best and offering your love”.

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